Friday, August 10, 2012

Malaysians support you CHONG WEI!

Okay, memang agak ketinggalan, anyway sebab ada exam, terpaksa tangguh ucapan TAHNIAH KEPADA LEE CHONG WEI :)  I dont care Chong Wei did won gold, silver or what because I knew he did the best that he can. and damn LIN DAN!

Seriously like ... WTF?!!

Lin Dan egoist! Its just your luck laa stup**. Who ever say Malaysia desperately want that small circular gold? you should watch your mouth Lin Dan. and share your billion money to needy in your country. dont think people dont know how China trained their 'assets'. its like in hell right? yeah, baru-baru ni keluar dalam akhbar, tentang bagaimana China melatih atlet sejak kecil, menyeksakan, dan semuanya semata-mata untuk mendapatkan 'gold'. omg, sooo sad and phatetic.

and Chong Wei, Malaysians proud of you, keep going with your life. May God bless you :)

Six pack? No, it's bone pack.